How can I get a healthier self image/esteem of myself?

In the world we live in, low self worth and poor body image are raging problems in adults and children of all ages.  We align ourselves with the current magazine cover, and if we don’t match up to it, we then assume we are not good enough.

If I was taller, prettier, skinnier, richer, smarter, different ethnicity, more confident – THEN I know my life would be different. No – YOUR life will only be different when you find out WHO YOU ARE and WHAT YOUR PURPOSE ON THE EARTH IS.  Today I would like to give you some tips on learning how to love yourself!

1.  Stop comparing:  When we compare ourselves to friends, strangers or even siblings we are saying that life is not fair, we are negating our uniqueness.  Well sometimes life ISN’T fair. What do we do when we see differences in ourselves to others?  First accepting we are all made differently - some have talents we don’t have and vice versa. We do not know what other people have been through or may go through in the future, so wanting what they have, may not be what is best for your life.

Your life and your experiences – good and bad, shape the person that you are meant to be.  Only when YOU are YOU, can you touch others with your story, so they can learn and grow from your life lessons.

2.  Be thankful for the body that you have:  Medical research has proven that when you speak negative words over yourself that your physical body responds with delivering ‘dis ease’ to that specific area.  Be grateful that you have all your body parts and they function well. Gratefulness in general, is a daily practice to a healthier body and mind. Gaining knowledge about nutrition and exercise can also greatly affect the way you see yourself.

3. Take back the negative words:  We often can recall negative words that a teacher or a parent spoke over us as a child.  These words get into our spirit as a young child (when our heart is so pliable and soft) and then we begin to shape our lives around them - words like stupid, ugly, fat or worthless. As you reflect on the words that were spoken over your life in the past begin to reframe them. As a child I was labelled as fat and I struggled with my weight for many years until I wrote opposite words on my mirror and I made myself daily speak them over and over – only then I began to shape and form a new core belief in my life around this area.  Writing the words down and burning them, ripping them up and throwing them away, or stand on them can also bring healing.

4. Find love and nurture: We were designed to be relational beings and as we are nurtured and loved we begin to blossom.  People who struggle with low self-worth may have suffered some form of abuse in their life.  One way to counteract abuse is to surround your self with love.  Maybe you love working with children, elderly, animals or art – this can bring joy and pleasure to your life. For me finding the love of God filled that spot that no person could fill, perhaps that is a journey you need to take. Begin to open your heart up to receive love and nurture again.

5. Dwell on your strengths:  You have gifts and talents in your life that I will never have and vice versa. As we find our unique strengths and gifting’s then we can begin to operate out of them to have purpose and be a blessing to others. The strengths in your life are designed to “solve an issue” in the world that no one else can “fix”.

I just want to close by saying that you cannot love others if you do not love yourself.  So begin today to work on your self-esteem and body image.

You are fearfully and wonderfully made


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