I Feel Like Quitting, What Can I Do?
YOU GOT THIS! – No matter what you are going through, what has happened to you up until now.
Priscilla Presley said this quote: “Everyone is born with a disability – my children’s was ‘fame’.” Interesting quote - I think we often feel if we were rich, famous and skinny our life would be perfect, but the truth is, most of us are like the rest of us. Why does it appear that some have their lives together and others don’t? I don’t like to be the bearer of negative news BUT usually most of us go through dark seasons in our lives at sometime. Terry Josephson surmises, “No matter where you go, or what you do, we all live within the confines of your own head”.
Can I rewrite Priscilla Presleys’s quote and say: That because we live in a non perfect world we all have a disability - a weaknesses in our lives that holds us back from our full ability, whether it is your age, education, trauma, finances, situation, insecurities, negative self talk, background/past, or an actual physical disability.
For me firstly, if I am feeling down I DO NOTHING. Let me explain - Often when we are feeling down, sad, depressed, or anxious we are not at the top of our game, so making decisions, speaking or taking action at this time might not be a good plan. So instead I do something practical to slow everything down - have a sleep, eat a healthy meal, take a bath or go for a walk, while I wait for my thoughts, hormones, situation or season to settle down. Give yourself at least 24 -48 hours to slow your mind down and get some clarity, before you do anything you may regret.
2. Journal or speak with someone:: As we verbally process we can figure out what stole our peace. Identify what it was that stole our joy, and try putting a name to the emotion that you are feeling. As you self reflect on what is going on inside your head, you then have the ability to unscramble your thoughts. Often I put my thoughts into categories - things I can solve, things I can’t. Talking or writing out your feelings is a way of releasing the tension and putting your thoughts in order.
3. Accept the season you are in can be a season of learning and growth. In the dry, dark places like under the ground, seeds are breaking open and becoming green shoots. The dark place is not a sign of stagnation it can be the beginning of new growth and change. As we accept the season we are in, only then, we will look deep enough to find the lesson to be learnt in this time.
3. Write a grateful list: Write down all the things you are grateful for, write a list of your wins. As we ponder on the times when you felt similar emotions, or when you were down and out and come back to life, then you encourage yourself that it didn’t break me last time so it is not going to break me now.
4. Assess the scenario: Perhaps not while we are feeling low, but after the episode, I find it’s a great idea to self reflect on what were the events that lead to the breakdown. Were you tired, was it the end of the day, did you have too much on your plate, were you unwell? Any one of these scenarios can be the root of why you reacted the way you did. If you can ascertain the triggers that make you vulnerable, then you can make a plan to try and lesson the times you feel like quitting.
5. Seek professional help: It would be amiss of me to not add that if this stuck, down feeling hangs around for a lot longer than normally or it is now affecting other areas of your life, then you may need to see a professional about therapy and or medication. And that’s OK as well!
One thing I am sure of as I get older, my troubles are not going away,
and my thoughts are not going to always be positive. So instead of wishing my problems away or trying to control my perfect life to elevate loss, I’ve just learnt grateful and kind to others as I am kind, and encouraging to myself.
Remember the law of momentum - an object in motion will stay in motion until it meets a resisting force - so keep pushing forward….. YOU GOT THIS!
Don’t borrow tomorrows trouble today - because you may not have to face it anyway - it could be solved by then.
- Steven Furtick