Busy Busy Busy
Some days my head does not stop thinking, and I just seem to keep finding new jobs to do every second of the day. How can there be so many things to do and places to be?
There are two ladies in the bible days - one was Mary and the other was her sister Martha. Mary was the laid back one who was just happy to sit and listen and take everything in while Martha was the task-master who was always busy cooking and cleaning up after everyone and was never able to relax or wind down. How do we become a mixture of Mary and Martha – to live with purpose and task while taking time to refuel and refresh?
Remember what is important in life: Even though we are all different we must prioritize our life for GOD and ME time first, then our marriage (if you are married), then if you have children they come next, then your work, hobbies, sport, gym, socializing, volunteering and anything else you can fit in your week. The position of these areas of your life is crucial, because as you seek God first, the bible says all things will end well. Planning family times once a week builds closeness and demonstrates to your children that they are a high priority in your life. Remember life if not happenstance. What you plan, have time for and budget for is the result you will get.
Is it necessary to be doing all the task-orientated things that you are doing? Sometimes we get our self-worth from our work, people pleasing activities, cleaning the house, new projects etc. Your worth can only come from within, from the One that gave you life. Take an audit over the next week to where and what is taking your time – the first step in taking back you life is being aware of what is robbing your time and your thought life.
Take time to smell the roses: Do something different from the normal everyday tasks and see how your thoughts change. Plan a break (they do not have to be expensive holidays) but as you get away from your normal environment your mind will begin to reframe, refresh and refuel. I know I need a break when my creativity dries up and my thinking becomes cloudy. Getting away for a few days or sometime even hours to experience a sunset or the ocean helps us view our life issues in a new perspective realizing the bigness of creator of the universe. Remember: Self-care is intentional.
Keep margin in your life: Your daily schedule is not meant to be crammed with events, tasks, outings and jobs. Creating margin in your life allows space for those “unexpected emergencies” - that maybe an unexpected visitor, a sick child or even an amazing opportunity. Qualify how many evening, weekends and after school activities are within your limit, and only commit to that amount. Leaving margin within our week allows us time to breath and be prepared for the what is next around the corner.
But first and most importantly seek or aim after His kingdom and His right way of doing things – the attitude and character of God, and then all things will be added to you.
Matthew 6:33